
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The analysis of Young goodman Brown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The analysis of Young goodman Brown - Essay Example For instance, he introduces Young Goodman Brown, whose name is allegorical in several manners. In addition, this is the title that he gives this narration, which is also a significant part in this narration. There are three allegories in this protagonist’s name that have individual meanings. First, there is the name Young, which seems to suggest the innocence of his character. However, this innocence is later corrupted by several factors that surround this protagonist. The second name is Goodman and is equally significant in an allegorical manner. Careful analysis of this narration reveals that there are few righteous deeds in this narration hence some irony (Neary 445). Consequently, the wife of the protagonist has an allegorical name: Faith. This name suggests hope for several significant things in the narration. In addition, the protagonist needs faith in order to survive the journey he takes through the forest. Consequently, Faith acts as a guardian to the protagonist throughout the narration. Further, Faith is his wife hence presenting a physical guide in the material world, which they live in. In particular, she pleads with the protagonist not to take the evil journey, which would later compromise his spirituality (Hoffman 98). The forest represents all the evil in the narration by Hawthorne because of its components. For instance, it has such tings as trees and wild animals that are synonymous of evil. According to Xian-chun(56) the forest is similar to the mind of the protagonist who struggles to fight evil. In addition, his mind has similar uncertainties to the ones, which people experience in any forest. Traditionally, forests are dark because of the overlapping of trees and other plantations. Similarly, Brown’s mind is dark since it has. Evidently, this forest is ruled by the devil like Brown’s mind, which compromises his spiritual actions

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